Workplace Mediation

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Workplace Mediation?


Workplace Mediation is a process for resolving disputes, conflict and differences in the workplace. It is a quick, confidential and cost-effective process that helps participants arrive at an acceptable solution to resolve their conflict.


Can my employer force me to Mediate?


No, Mediation is entirely voluntary and works when all parties have agreed to Mediate their dispute. Employers, Managers and Companies cannot force their staff to Mediate their differences. 


Who pays for the Mediation?


Usually, Workplace Mediation fees are covered by the business or employer.


When should I Mediate?


If there is already a conflict situation in the Workplace the best time to Mediate is yesterday! The sooner that Mediation takes place the higher the chance there is of a successful outcome. This can mean a restoring and repairing of relationships whilst maintaining efficient profitable business. Whilst we recognise this is not always possible, early Mediation (prior to a Grevience being submitted) is best practice.  


What’s the difference between Workplace and Employment Mediation?


Workplace Mediation is used to help to repair relationships where there is an ongoing working relationship between the colleagues in conflict. Employment Mediation is used when an Employee has left an organisation and perhaps is considering legal options.


Isn’t Mediation expensive?


Not at all. According to the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), on average it takes 7 days of Management Time and 7 days of HR time to complete a single grievance case. Sickness absence, lost employee productivity and perhaps defending the threat of litigation can escalate workplace conflict costs to an eye-watering level. This makes the cost of Mediation excellent value and an efficient use of business money. 


Will the Mediator tell us what to do? 


A Mediator acts as a neutral, impartial third party who’s training allows them to be Omnipartial (i.e. being on both sides at the same time). They will not tell the participants what to do and will encourage the participants to come up with workable solutions to their conflict themselves. 


Is a positive outcome guaranteed? 


Nothing can ever be guaranteed but Workplace Mediation typically has a very good success rate. The sooner the conflict or disagreement can enter the process of Mediation the better the chances of a positive outcome.









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